Thursday, May 3, 2012

No bloggin' cause I was sleepin'

Now snap your fingers and tap your foot as we chant this together...
No blo--ggin' cause you were sleepin',
No blo--ggin' cause you were sleepin'...
No blo--ggin' cause YOU -- WERE -- SLEEPIN'!

You've got to get the snap down pat along with the tap. Try it again...go ahead...try it one more time. You'll get it. No one's watching . I'll let you keep practicing that today. You'll hear the rhythm I'm sending you in my blog. I'm sure of it!

I slept solid from 9:30-11:30 last night, but then woke up as I have historically been doing. I think my gut pain is what woke me up. Butch was afraid for me to take the sleeping pill AND pain pill together. After I piddled around the house a little, which included eating something (footnote my appetite), I took a pain pill because I needed it and tried to go back to sleep. I did! For the first time in over 2 weeks, I actually was asleep through the wee hours of the morning. Ahhh, it feel so good.


Nancella said...

Sleep my friend sleep ! Rest your bdy and be thankful for the day.
Love and warm breezes!

Amy Bauserman said...

To my wedding coordinator (and what a beatiful wedding it was thanks to you!) You and your boys have been in my contant thoughts and prayers. I remember what a stong woman you were (and still are I am sure) and know God will continue to give you strength and his healing hand!
Your SHE ECSE teacher, Amy :)

rtmalayil said...

A night of sleep can make a world of difference! I hope you're able to get many more restful nights... your body and your mind needs them.

I do want to note, though, that I do take exception to your statement that you slept till the "wee hours of the morning"! Seeing that you posted your entry before 7:00 am, I must conclude that you have no sense of what the wee hours of the morning are really meant for...SLEEPING! I wish you many more restful nights - AND mornings! :)

Pam said...

I'm so glad you were able to get some good rest. This is what your body is needing. Building up the fighting strength. It's going to kick the "Things" tail. We all wish you more restful hours. We also hope that Butch is getting sleep. Hugs around you both.

Rita said...

Nice chant, although I don't think I ever quite got it like you wanted it ;) I did not know writing chants was one of so many amazing talents that you have!!!! Love ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of cat naps in the day! And if you can't sleep and are having trouble putting worries out of your mind, tell yourself that you are just going to relax with your eyes closed for five minutes. No pressure to sleep, just a short time out to relax and stop thinking. Don't force it longer than about 5 minutes, but often just thinking of it that way allows the real sleep to find you.