Monday, May 7, 2012

Sharon's Ark

When my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, my phenomenal husband supported me by letting me take care of her in our home. I literally had just taken my dad back home from taking care of him from hip surgery. With my mom here, that left my dad "Home Alone". When you don't have anyone to talk to, life can be very lonely. 
In walks puppies.......... Someone brought a litter of adorable, pudgy puppies into our preschool class at Sandy Hook Elementary. I decided to bring one of those pudgy puppies home for my dad so that he would have someone to take care of.... to have a purpose for.

When my dad died, Buttons joined our family. Please pay particular attention to her smiling! She adores to lay on her back and spends quite a long time looking at the world from the bottom up.

Our Casey has been most gracious over the last 6 years to having a "woman" rule his life. Buttons tells Casey where he can walk and where he can't. He has been a good friend to Buttons.

And then there's Emily. She is such a pretty kitty. She takes her paw across my cheek at night to tell me that she wants to be rubbed behind her ears.

When Butch find all of the animals right next to my side, he'll say, "I see that Sharon's Ark is all together".
Yes..... we are all together!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The love of animals is unconditional.