Another beautiful day! Gregory's finance Loren graduated from Old Dominion University with her M.S.Ed. degree. Many of her family gathered to watch the graduation ceremony online. It was PERFECT, after a little snag trying to stream it onto the T.V. was fixed thanks to Gregory saving the day. How incredible technology is, allowing Loren to be part of the ceremony while sitting in her own living room. Her picture was put up on the large screen at O.D.U. in her absence so it was as if she was actually there, walking across the stage to get the recognition she so much deserved.
It was such an honor to have Loren wear the cap, gown and sash from my own master's degree graduation. How life gives little gifts to make memories.
It was such a great day to be a part of Loren's family. Her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are such lovely people. Butch and I enjoy sitting back watching how they give Gregory the added family support that we want him to have. Not having family here for our boys to grow up with is hard. Butch and I feel so warm inside when we see the love that Loren's family gives Gregory. It's always been important, but for me now, it is VITAL that he has unconditional love from many people.
I've been so tired today. I slept on and off all morning until we got ready to go for the celebration. Once we got back home, my pain level increased. Luckily the pain pills help. I'm so extremely itchy and while I was thinking that it was still from the "bile backup"...boy could I make a tongue twister using that combination...I'm wondering if I'm allergic to this pain medicine as I was to the morphine. I don't have a rash but do have MANY scratch marks all over from itching my skin to pieces. I'll worry about that one tomorrow, as Scarlet O'Hara would say. I know that I need the strength of the pain medication to help me make it through the night. I can handle the spasms that happen in my "gut" because they're short lived. The cramping isn't.
Butch has lost considerable hours at work over the last year. He's in printing and the industry is suffering. He'll be off tomorrow as a result of fewer hours. We'll use that time off as another gift to be together. We are going to plant some beautiful roses that friends have given me. I love plants with roots, knowing that they will keep on growing forever!
While the outside of our house will be spruced up with new rose bushes, the inside is also looking colorful! All of these beautiful flowers have roots too!!!!!!!
I still enjoy looking at the corabelles you gave me many years ago. I have them along my driveway. I've split them up numerous times over the years to give to friends and family. Your kindness blooms in all of our gardens! :)
Happy planting!
How fantastic that you were able to share in both graduations this weekend that are so important to you and your family!!! You look amazing in all the pictures!!! Enjoy your day with your amazing husband, planting all your gorgeous plants!! Continued prayers for your pain to subside...
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