Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Spud Travels More Than I Do!

Mr. Potato Head has been getting around to quite a few venues the last few weeks. To my knowledge, he's been to Irish Dance competitions and to Chicago on a business trip. Between dancing, studying, and staying in plush hotels, he's just spud tired. You may want to google to see if he has his own blog. His may be much more interesting than mine at any given time!

Until you discover Mr. Potato Head's blog, here's what's happening in my life.

I started back with treatments today. I have to be honest, it was nice having a "somewhat" normal weekend although it's kind of hard to say that normal will be my way of life for quite a while yet. I even pretended to be so "normal" that I went shopping at WalMart. I wanted to make Butch a nice dinner and get a few containers for the project that I finished. Other than breaking out into a cold sweat and feeling like I was in a stupor, I did really well! Luckily they don't give tickets out for driving grocery carts in a zigzag line. It's kind of like when I push my kid's wheelchairs at school. If tickets were given out for driving properly when pushing a large, heavy chair with a mind of it's own, then I'd be in BIG TROUBLE!

Okay, so getting away from "pretending to be normal" and back to "reality". Butch brought me the 4 chemo pills this morning to start my day off bright and early. I then had a phone call from one of my siblings who caught me when my roller coaster was on the way down instead of up. I had good reason though (just in case I needed any reason at all these days). I was working on the power point for my Mother-Son dance at Gregory's wedding. Too many emotions going crazy in a pre-menpausal 53 year old woman on drugs!

My sibling gave me wisdom when I needed it. I was then chauffeured to Winchester for treatment #5 by a lovely friend who doubles as a gourmet chef in her off hours. After getting home, I ate, ate, and ate some more. I will go down in history of being the only person who's on chemo and radiation treatments that will gain weight instead of lose it. I really don't care. I'm grateful for my appetite. I use to let the scales rule my life each and every morning before I had the first sip of water. Now, in the first time in 39 years, Butch actually heard the nurse say what I weighed. I wanted to tweak her nose a little because did she NOT learn in basic nursing 101 that you DON'T say a woman's weight out loud in front of another person, particularly her husband. Oh well, it's done. I'll forgive her this time but when I gain my next 10 pounds, she better just mouth the new number to me!

I took a nice, long afternoon nap. It seems that the tiredness just washes over me. I know when it's time to lay my head down!

Only 23 more to go! Mr. Potato Head and I bid you.....Sweet Dreams!

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