Friday, May 4, 2012

Harper has HOPE and so do I!

A dear, sweet friend of mine has a precious little girl and adorable infant boy. Harper was throwing sticks into the pond on a family walk while making wishes. She apparently thinks that you can throw ANYTHING into the water and make a wish!  One of  the wishes that Harper made is that Miss Sharon's "thing" shrinks. As she wished this, her mommy thought, "Amen, my sweet little girl." 

Well Harper, you are helping Miss Sharon to have hope. Your mommy and daddy are teaching you how to "really care" for people.Thank you for throwing whatever YOU want into the pond and praying positive thoughts about me. You, my precious little girl, have given me a lot to think about. YOU are giving me HOPE!


Peggy Moats said...


H aving
O pportunities for
P ositive
E nergy

Love you Sharon!

Caroljean said...

From the mouths of babes-so the old saying goes. Thank you Harper, for your innocent musings on faith and hope. We can all learn from your example.

mlongerbeam said...

A true picture of innocence, honesty, and faith...beautiful.
We should all have that type of faith, to believe wishes do come true!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!