Monday, May 7, 2012

Beyond the United States of America

It's absolutely amazing to me how life has changed. Okay, yes it's changed significantly for the Funk household within 2 short but very long weeks, but that's not what I'm referring to. 

I'm talking about technology! I remember writing evaluations and IEP's by hand, with white-out very close by. I remember when the first computer was introduced to us at school. You had to use a "floppy disc" and "boot" it up by turning the disc over upon take off. Now we can carry technology in our pocket and touch the screen to make incredible things happen. 

Take this blog for example. I'm able to share the facts, as well as my feelings, with all of my family and friends. But it doesn't stop there. I'm sharing my blog with strangers.  My blog stats tell me that I have had 2,578 page views from the United States, 12 from Russia, 10 from Canada, 3 from the United Kingdom and 1 from Germany. You have to admit...THAT IS COOL!

My baby brother told me tonight that he takes such comfort and joy in reading your blog comments. He knows me pretty well, yet he said that he is learning even more about "who his big sister is" through your comments. Again I say Thank You to my support system and those who chose to take a ticket to ride this adventure with me. As educators, we always say that it takes a village to raise a child. Well I'd like to say that it takes a strong support system of known and unknown people to help the person AND THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS affected with cancer.


Kelli T. said...

WOW!!! That is amazing. You are LOVED and cared about from near and far, and have so many people cheering you on. What an amazing feeling to know that you are touching the lives of people you have never met. I am very thankful for your blog and the time that you devote to it . . . I just wish that nearly all of your post times weren't in the wee hours of the morning! But, as we know, that's when you and I do some of our best work!

Wanted to be the first (hopefully!) to wish you a very Happy Staff Appreciation Day/Week! I'm truly thankful for the way in which you have touched my life, as well as both of my boys.

Thinking 'bout ya!

kveltz said...

H -Handfuls (upon handfuls)
O -Of
P -People
E -Everywhere
.....that are thinking about you and rooting for you everyday. We all have HOPE for you, Sharon!!!

Caroljean said...

Your loving arms have reached around the world. How amazing that your special journey will help those not even known to you.