Friday, May 18, 2012

Back From the Land of the Sleeping

In my resume for Thursday, May 17, I will include only these events:
  • Radiation
  • Eating
  • Popping pills to include 8 chemo, 2 rash, 2 nausea, 2 pain,1 sleeping, 1 blood pressure, 1 Vit. D, 1 Fish Oil, 1 Multivitamin and a partridge in a pear tree and
  • SLEEPING, lots and lots of sleeping.  
  • Oh, I did vacuum the house to try to make-believe that I am valuable. 

I woke up around 12:00 last night HUNGRY, just like The Hungry Bear who Likes Red Ripe Strawberries. Let's face it, sleeping is a full time job. A girl works up an appetite doing her job! A little protein and fruit put me back to sleep until 6:45 this morning.

I am almost afraid to say it but I FEEL SO GOOD this morning! I know it may be short lived until the chemo pills already taken kick in and then the 3 shots of radiation get zapped from top, bottom and side...but hey, I'll take a couple hours of feeling GOOD! The best part is that I'm feeling good and haven't had to take any pain pills since yesterday at noon.

It looks like I may be able to add more to my resume today. I already cleaned one bathroom, filled dog water bottle AND helped Butch take the cover off the pool. I'm on a roll.

                              Watch may just be my 4 leaf clover lucky day!


This special clover was found by one of my students at Catoctin while waiting for the bus!


Peggy Moats said...

Our kids say "hi" Sharon......and you know just what that means... lots of smiles coming your way and good wishes as well.

Love you Mrs Funk

Nancella said...

Hey girl,
Pain free for a little while is a good thing!

mw said...

Hooray for the four leaf clover. You know you are lucky,you are Irish. Hooray for having some pain free time. Each day you will gain more and more pain free time. Those Irish Leprechauns are shrinking the "thing".
Love You,

Anonymous said...

Hello Sharon

I am SO glad that you were able to get some quality sleep. That can only bring good things and has got to increase ability to resist pain. I know when I am tired absolutely everything feels worse and I am super sensitive to the slightest discomfort. So you sleep as often as you can. I am really sorry to hear you have some nauseau (sp?), but bring it on because it means you have stuff in your system that is doing its job. Eat what you can when you can. And do whatever feels good and normal ... even it is cleaning a bathroom! Normal tasks and sleep. Do you watch movies? Do you have favorites? Good music? Make your home into your own personal B&B and retreat for the next few weeks while you work through this phase of healing. If there is anything you need, let us know and there is a whole team of people who would be thrilled to deliver. May and June are beautiful in Virginia and I hope your garden is blooming outside so you have lovely things to look at. Let's hope the pain free times come often and stay longer and longer until they are gone completely. I hope you have a good weekend!