Sunday, September 16, 2012

Physical Therapy

I've been receiving physical therapy 2 times a week since my first week home. We've worked on building muscles to make walking safe. I've gone from using the walker to walking around my backyard unassisted. When I walk around the backyard, I take my time with slow and easy steps. I feel that I have to stop often, not because of the walking process, but because I run out of air. The physical therapist said that I'm using my lungs to breath but not my diaphragm. It's something that I really need to build and consciously work on.

On Friday, when the PT came, she had me complete some more timed tests. I completed them all with good numbers. Based on where I was to where I am now and my numbers on the tests, she dismissed me from physical therapy. I have to work on endurance, which is something that does not qualify continuation of therapy.

One more part of my life is back to normal!


Kelli T. said...


You're going to get a ticket for speeding on the road to recovery!

So happy to hear this amazing news!

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Yeah. Keep going. I'm so proud of you and in complete awe of your strength. Lots of love, hugs and prayers. Judy R.

rtmalayil said...


So many posts in such little time! Just when you had said that you felt like you still had so far to go in your journey, you started sprinting through each hurdle! Remember when you felt like you weren't making any progress?? Look at all the milestones you've accomplished just this week! No more hospital bed, walking around outside - unassisted, going up and down stairs daily, being dismissed from PT, and cleaning a bathroom! Though... that last one may not be anything to really cheer about in my opinion. Wow! Way to go, Sharon! And, remember, just as we teach our little ones to build their endurance, so too must you rebuild yours. And, build it up you must! We need you to be walking up and down those halls from Pod 1 to Pod 3 and back talking up a quiet storm with your kiddos and sharing a smile with everyone you pass along the way! Can't wait for that day!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon

Do not do too much ... slow and steady wins this one. By the way, I learned this weekend of someone in my sister's family that is going in for Whipple Surgery and is understandably afraid. Just hearing your story through me brought some comfort I think. If you get to feeling down, I hope you realize what an inspiration you are to others. Keep up the good efforts and try to enjoy being you, exactly where you are at. : )

Nancella said...

You go girl!!!You are fighting for every milestone. Keep up the good work I am proud of you.

Anonymous said...


Hurrah!! One step at a time...slow and steady...breathe in, breathe out...give thanks, then give thanks's all coming together!! You go girl...can you hear us all cheering you on?!?!?!

Continuing to lift you in prayer....everyday....

Sending you hugs and bunches of love,