Friday, October 19, 2012

Two More Test Results...

I had another x-ray this morning before my scheduled chemo to compare results from yesterday after having the chest tube taken out. It looks like things are about the left lung is still not all the way inflated but no worse. The doctors have stressed to me in a very stern way that if I have any trouble breathing, I need to get to the emergency room asap. I certainly will if that becomes the case.

Today was my 3rd treatment to end my 1st cycle of chemo. I unfortunately could not be given the treatment. My white platelet count should be 5000 to 6000. After 2 treatments, my count is 1000. The doctor said that my body has been through so much. My white platelets may be responding to being beaten down from radiation, chemo and then surgery. It may be responding to the infection that's going on. He's not sure why the count is so low but sure enough that I will not be getting treatment today. Next week is my scheduled "off" week so that means 2 weeks without chemo. It's kind of scary that my body is doing this already in the very first cycle. 


Suellen said...

Your strength, your determination are evident in all your writings. Oh, I prayed at church tonight that all would be well for you, that healing comes quickly. Let not your heart be troubled, God is with you in each step of this journey! Hang in there Sharon. We so miss you!

Rita Purcell-Robertson said...

Hey Sharon, you are an amazing woman and Butch is your guardian angel! Larry and I pray for both of you every day. Hope that your treatment goes well! rpr

Kelli T. said...

Sharon -

Inquiring minds want to know . . . how our dear friend Sharon is doing.

When you are feeling strong enough and when you are ready to share how things have been going the last couple of days, we're all ears . . . or should I say "eyes", since it's our eyes and not our ears that we use to read your blog.

Any which way, we're all eyes, ears . . . and heart, when you feel up to it.

Thinkin' 'bout you, my friend.


Fiona said...
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Fiona said...

We are sending you hugs, love and prayers. All good thoughts and positive energy. Xoxo<3

Kelli T. said...

Sharon -

Me again . . . the nag!

I (as well as many others) are now officially worried - and I'm not talking about "Frankenstorm" that's heading our way. You know WHO I'm talking about! (If you don't have the energy, perhaps Val could "pinch-hit" for you . . .)

Let us know how we can best focus our prayers and our positive thoughts and energy to help you through this challenging time.

With elections looming soon, I personally would like to vote SHARON FUNK FOR PRESIDENT ....

You have a proven track record of working well with others to attain goals; a proven track record of listening to people; a proven track record of being able to balance things (though I'm sure you're able to balance budgets, I'm referring to your ability to be able to balance multiple things [including health issues] at once); you handle pressure well, and always meet every deadline; you have a proven track record of honesty; you have a huge heart and look out for everyone - whether they be filthy rich or dirt poor; you and Butch deserve to live in the White House with people catering to your every need, as well as a chauffeur and limousine ready and waiting for you at any moment; you deserve to have a team of people cooking meals for you, as well as all of your favorite desserts; you deserve to have someone cleaning your house for you; you'd look stunning sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office; you deserve to have bodyguards, i.e. the Secret Service, keeping watch over you; with your kind heart, you wouldn't kick out any "party crashers", but instead, you'd welcome them with open arms; you'd have so much fun out there rolling Easter eggs with the little children in the Spring; you deserve the honor of lighting the National Christmas Tree; you deserve to travel the world in Air Force One meeting new people and making a difference in their lives; and YOU have a proven track record of being able to fight a war (against cancer) and emerging as the victor! For all these reasons, and for so many more,

