I would advise anyone who is following behind us on a road to pass us right away. Our road is so curvy and never takes us the way we planned.
Today I went in to have my right lung drained from fluid. They did a x-ray of the left lung to see how it was doing from yesterday's draining of fluid.
The radiologist came in and asked if I wanted the good news or bad news first. He said that I wouldn't be getting the right lung drained because the left lung had collapsed. Yep, can you believe it...collapsed. I was immediately taken over to the hospital so that a chest tube could be inserted. Depending on the outcome, I may have to be admitted into the hospital for observation over night.
After another painful procedure (although I was able to have an IV with pain medicine during the procedure), I now have a heimlich valve inserted into my chest. It's a long tube that has a one way valve that allows air to escape from the lung area but doesn't allow any air to come in. The lung will then be able to expand again.
The great news is...the lung totally expanded as a result of the chest tube. I'll keep the tube in until Monday, at which time they'll do another x-ray after they take the tube out. If the lung still remains expanded, they'll drain the right lung.
From this procedure, I went over to chemo at 2:00. I've had my first does of gemcitabine. It looks like I will definitely be losing my hair. It was looking kind of good these days...oh well. I'm sure when it comes back, it will be more gray than my dark brown hair color.
This has been one heck of a week. It has totally taken it's toll on my husband. I ache for him.
Oh, I ache for you! I think about you so much, and pray during the small moments of my day, that there will be relief in sight. May God's grace bring you through this time of pain. There will be good things around the corner, I just know it! Hang in there!
Sharon -
You want me to "pass you" on this road to recovery that you are on simply because your road is so curvy and takes you/us to places we hadn't planned? No way, my friend . . . absolutely not! At the beginning of this journey, I accepted your invitation to travel with you on this journey, and that's what I'm going to continue to do! I don't get car sick, so a curvy road doesn't bother me in the least! You are stuck with me!
As for losing your hair, I understand how hard that might be to accept. But your hair doesn't define YOU - what defines YOU is YOUR HUGE HEART and YOUR VERY COURAGEOUS SPIRIT (among other things), and neither gemcitabine nor any other chemotherapy drug can take those things away from you! You will still be the same Sharon Funk that we all know and love, hair or no hair!
Praying that you have an uneventful weekend, and that you are able to spend quality time with your sister, that things go well on Monday, and further praying that Butch will be comforted in knowing that we are praying for the strength and courage that he also needs to fight this battle alongside his soulmate.
Love, prayers and pinky hugs,
Dear Sharon,
May you take comfort in the presence of your sister. She will be a blessing to both you and Butch.
I know you to be caring, compassionate, thoughtful, attentive, genuine, and responsive toward others.
You couldn't possibly "grow" anymore in those attributes -- you already operate at full capacity! You've blessed hundreds of students/parents in the field of education. Wherever you go, you bless others with your authenticity.
Keep fighting, Sharon,
2 Cor 1:3-4, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."
Sharon -
By the way, I checked the "ticket" that was issued to me at the beginning of this journey, and mine says "ROUND TRIP". So no matter how curvy the road, how straight the road, how smooth or how bumpy, from the State of Despair until we reach the State of Elation (where cancer-free lives), I'm by your family's side.
I'm so glad you can put into words all that we all feel. You say it all so well. Sharon you and your family are so special in so many ways. One of which is in your strength and spirit. You are truly stuck with a HUGE Support Team. We are all with you and your family each and every day with our thoughts and Prayers.
I have just checked your blog after several days and do not know where to start in my response. Hugs and prayers of course. How I wish I lived closer and could come over this minute and help in some tangible, real life way. No longer just an appreciative parent of one of your students, but as a genuine friend. I admire your strength and courage and honesty and grit. You have earned your true beauty stripes so try not to worry about the hair. I would not like losing mine either, but that is something time, regrowth and a trip to a good salon can fix. I go every 8 weeks now to tackle my gray. I will continue to pray that you find comfort, rest and healing. Hang in there, my friend.
XO Diane
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