Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Results

Today was another step in the right direction. Sharon was able to spend another day in the company of a good friend. Debbie spent the day with her and called to give lots of updates on her way home. The physical therapist worked with Sharon today, he had her up and walking through the hallways. He also was able to show her an easier way to get up from bed and and get back into bed since she is still finding that challenging. He also thought she was too healthy and improving too much to go to a recovery center as was first thought yesterday. Instead he suggested that Sharon go home and have an occupational therapist and physical therapist come in to work with her during the week. So, with just the approval of Dr. Adams it looks like Sharon will be able to come home! She did ask to stay at UVA until Thursday to give herself one more day in their care to get a little stronger.

Debbie said that she was able to read all of my blog entries as well as all of your comments to Sharon. She thoroughly enjoyed hearing all of your kind thoughts. She also said that Sharon was eating solid foods for dinner; lasagna, salad and chocolate cake. Although she enjoyed the Ensure shake she was able to have more than her dinner.

After Debbie's phone call, Brad and I talked to Sharon. Dr. Adams had just been into see her with the results from all of the tests. All of the samples from the pancreas he took were negative! There was also no other signs of tumors on any other blood vessels. This is all great. The only news that we didn't want to hear is that in just 1 of the 23 lymph nodes that he removed they did find cancerous cells. He said usually they can find between 8-14 lymph nodes infected but Sharon only had 1! What this means is that she'll definitely have to undergo another round of chemo with Dr. Major in a few weeks, just to make sure that they can get any stay cells that the lymph node may have released. She will have a follow up appointment with Dr. Adams in about 4 weeks and she'll be in contact with Dr. Major when she gets home later this week to set up an appointment with him.

Overall I think Sharon received an excellent report, she seemed to be in good spirits again today. Her pain level was still manageable on her pain pills (except for early this morning when her night nurse didn't wake her up to take them). She has one more full day in the hospital to continue to build her stength back up, then she gets to come home and start the next phase of the journey surrounded by Ll her friends and family.


Nancella said...

Yeah !!!!!! Such good and positive news. It sounds like you are moving forward and well on your way to a speedy recovery. Each day brings strength and hope. Sending you all my love and prayers.

Thanks again for all the updates.

Anonymous said...

I am blown away by your strength! You have come so far!! I am happy that you will get to be home so soon! My thoughts & prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

GREAT!!! We were so glad to hear the great news. You have come so far and we know that you will go much farther. Your such an inspiration to so many with the strength you have. We look forward to seeing you soon. All our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for you each day. I'm so glad the the recovery is going so well for you.

Jeannie M.

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day!! What glorious news...although I'm not surprised to read that your PT thinks you are "too strong" and should go home! If only he knew just how strong you really are. You continue to be an inspiration to everyone! You have truly been blessed my friend!

Thanx bunches Val for your informative updates!

Bunches of love,

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! All this news is wonderful. Of course you are recovering quickly. You are amazing Sharon. Keep up the good work. You continue in my prayers each day.
Hugs & Love,

rtmalayil said...

Yay, Sharon!!! Recovering too well for rehab! I imagine that's a bit scary for you, but it's great news! To be at home, recovering surrounded by family, happy memories and love will be the best medicine!! When I read the blog today, a new song started in my head. Alicia Keys sings a song called "superwoman". That is YOU, Sharon! You can fight that tiny little lymph node because you are... Superwoman.

Much love,

PS. Val- Please make sure to relay our warmest thanks to Dr. Adams and his team. Their hands worked miracles on someone very special to us. With all our hopes resting on them, they came through! Thank you, Dr. Adams!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon,
I'm celebrating each piece of positive news right along with you (liquids to soft foods to real food, YaY!) No more catheter or epidural to bug you, YAY! Sitting up and walking around and a plan for coming home to continue recovery, double YAY! Being in your own pj's, your own bed, surrounded by your loved ones in the comfort of home sounds like good medicine to me.

You're doing it, Sharon.
You're never alone.

All My Love,

Anonymous said...

Awesome news. You just made my day. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Love you. Judy R.

Anonymous said...

There aren't words to say how happy and thankful I am for your good news. You are one tough cookie and I'm so proud of you. Christine

Meghan said...

So glad to hear this. Thinking of you all the time!

Rita said...

Such amazing news!!!! How wonderful that you will be going home soon to continue recovering surrounded by family and friends! Continued hugs and prayers for your body to be stronger every single day!!!


Rita Purcell-Robertson said...

Awesome Sharon!!!!! rpr

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon,
You always make me smile! Now its my turn to put a smile on your face. Hugs, kisses, & prayers for a speedy recovery!!! Remember Margaritaville