Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello to My Kitchen

When the PT assistant came yesterday, she put me through quite an exercise regiment. She had me take several trips from my back to front door using the walker. I do that several times a day by myself so I'm used to that workout. She gave me more exercises to do with my feet to build up strength and endurance. It's very evident that I have significantly decreased strength in my right leg from the sciatica. After I heal from surgery, I hope to pursue physical therapy to build the nerves back in that leg.

The most exciting thing the PT assistant had me do was to climb the 7 or 8 steps from my entryway to my living room. She was right by my side and had me use my stronger leg first to start up the steps. When I reached the top, I started to cry. I hadn't seen my kitchen for 3 weeks! I actually sat at the kitchen table for a little bit to get my energy back for the climb back downstairs. It was so awesome to touch my kitchen counters, look outside from the kitchen window, and see what a wonderful job my husband has done keeping the 2nd level of our house clean.

Going back down was a little scary but definitely do-able. She was again right by my side. I was so proud of myself!!!!

 Check off of list---Major obstacle---Climb to 2nd floor---Chaaaaaching!


Anonymous said...

Sharon, How utterly awesome to hear the excitement and pleasure in your writing voice!! What an accomplishment!! I couldn't help from smiling as I read the great news! With your tenacity other obstacles will become success stories!! Prayers from WV keep coming your way each and every day!! Keep at it my friend....and don't forget to give yourself a little pat on the back!!!

hugs and tons of love,

Nancella said...

Good for you SHARON!!!!! I hope Casey gave you some space to walk and climb. I am so proud of you. Everyday brings new hope and accomplishments.
Hang in there, girlfriend.

Carolyn said...

You go Girl!!!! Every accomplishment is great no matter how big or small. So amazed at all of your hard work and determination.....Of course I knew you would approach it no other way. Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sharon,
That is wonderful news. Keep it up and soon you will have to start cooking again :)Each day you will continue to improve and gain strength. A big hug is coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Sharon: You are an amazing person. Pretty soon you will be running up and down the stairs like in the movie "Rocky" with Sylvester Staloone and singing I'm Getting Stronger. Keep up the hard work and positive attitude. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you, Judy R.

Caroljean said...

See, I told you Butch was keeping the kitchen and upstairs in perfect shape. So glad you are able to sit in and enjoy your beautiful kitchen. Hopefully everyday will have a little gem like that for you.

Rita said...

Yay!!!! Just think of your kitchen whispering to you everyday to come for a visit!!!! You are making your way back from recovery one step at a time. So very proud of you and your continued progress!!!


Anneliese said...

Yeah! How exciting! We are so looking forward to your full recovery! I have two very little boys with two very big hugs for you so be prepared!