Monday, July 9, 2012

Mama Called the Doctor and the Doctor Said...

The pain clinic returned my call first thing this morning after receiving my message on Saturday. They gave me an appointment to see the doctor on Wednesday. I asked if it would be for another injection, and like I suspected, it's too early to get another one. I told the secretary that I'm almost out of pain medicine. Although it doesn't take the pain away, it dulls it very slightly. I'll take any dulling I can get. She said she will talk to the doctor and get back to me.

The doctor just called me himself. He said he'll write the prescription for the pain medicine and I can pick it up tomorrow. Doctors can no longer call pain medicine directly into a pharmacy due to people abusing prescription drugs. I have enough to last me until then. I'm trying to keep the medicine in me every 4 hours and can up it to every 3 hours now that I know I'll have a refill. The doctor said that on Wednesday he'll explore an anti-inflammatory. I'm on a med-dose pack so I don't know if this is in addition to that or not??? He asked if the ER doctor ordered a MRI and I said no. I really hope that I don't have to have another one. One is in my future when I go to UVA on July 23rd. I don't want more tests....just PLEASE take this pain away from me. The ER doctor wanted me to make an appointment with an orthopedics. I don't want to go that route...for several reasons. I can't bear to start over with another doctor. All she will order is more tests and then physical therapy. I'll ask the pain clinic doctor his opinion on Wednesday if it's a necessary step. I just am so tired of doctor's visit. I just want to be a regular person who isn't complaining all the dang-on time.

I trust the pain clinic doctor so much so I will just wait until Wednesday to see what he can do to help me. I know he'll try everything he can do. I'm just not sure much can be done until the 3rd and final injection on July 18th. I'm so worried about running out of time before the wedding. I just want to enjoy this special occasion...that's all I want.

Before my diagnosis, we ordered tickets to the Addam's Family at the Kennedy Center. That's this coming weekend and I WILL GO even if I have to crawl. We usually drive to Vienna and then take Metro in. My husband said that if I'm not up to walking, he can drive all the way in. It's not his first choice because of D.C. driving, but it is definitely an option. We've been looking forward to this for months.

My soon-to-be daughter-in-laws Bridal Luncheon is the following Saturday. I have to feel better for that but luckily that will be after the next and final injection. I'm not sure anymore if that will help. It made things worse this time. Worse than when I went in.  I didn't dream was possible.

The rehearsal dinner that we're hosting for 50+ people and the wedding is the weekend after that. All of our family and friends will be arriving on Thursday and Friday of that weekend. I want to enjoy each and every minute of the time we all have together. I want to be able to dance with my son for our special song. I want to cry tears of joy...not tears of pain. I want to sit like a lady, instead of someone who has to keep their leg out at the oddest angle trying to find that position that takes the cramp out of my hip. I want to wear the awesome heels (low but still heels) that go with my dress instead of bedroom slippers.  I feel that I want so much lately but all I really want is to be normal again.

1 comment:

Nancella said...

All the simple things that you are wishing for will happen!!!! I have faith that everything will fall into place before the special wedding day. You are so strong to endure all that pain.God is listening to your requests and he will answer your prayers. Hang in there relief is coming. Enjoy The Addams Family show. Hopefully you will be laughing so hard that your pain will not be so intense. I am praying for pain free days ahead.