Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello ER

Yesterday evening, I called the hospital to put a page into the pain clinic doctor. The hospital wasn't able to do that because he wasn't in the hospital network to take calls when not on duty. I then called the pain clinic itself, knowing that they were closed until Monday morning. I left a message for them to hear first thing Monday morning.

When I woke up this morning, I couldn't take the pain any longer...just couldn't because I was up to a I went to the emergency room.

According to the ER doctor, the oral pain Dilaudid I've been taken at home is the strongest they have. Because that wasn't touching the pain at all, they gave me the same thing but in the form of a shot. He also gave me an extender. Boy did it make me feel loopy right away. Hold onto the side of the bed rails kind of loopy. I thought a piece of fuzz on the sheet was a bug crawling. I thought the paper on my bed was moving. My husband assured me neither of those things were happening. The ER doc called the pain clinic doc and he said to come see him the beginning of the week. He put me on a steriod med dose pack to start today. The ER doc also referred me to an orthopedics. Back home we went.

I went right to bed and slept sound for 3 hours. The pain woke me up...oh no, the shot has worn off and I'm right back to where I started this morning. I took the steroids, making believe dinner was breakfast. I'll take 2 after my "lunch" which will be a late snack, then 2 more before bed.  

They concluded that another nerve in my spine must be inflamed from the new injection at the pain clinic. A dear friend told me that after I have the whipple surgery, it will be nothing compared to all the pain I've had with this degenerative spinal stenosis and sicata "stuff". It can't be worse, that's for sure!

Patience grasshopper...somehow all of this will work out.

By the way, the nurse I had at the ER was the same one I had when I went into the hospital thinking that I was going to have my gallbladder removed on April 23rd. She asked how everything turned out at UVA. After telling her of my diagnosis, she actually kissed me on the cheek.


Nancella said...

OH Sharon ,how much more pain can you take? It's not fair that you have to endure all this PAIN and of course the THING...........I pray each night that you can sleep thru the pain, but it sounds so intense. Hopefully you can get some relief from somebody. I will double dose my prayers for you tonight. Hopefully God has his listening ears open. Be strong!

Kelli T. said...

Sharon -

Any other time, being a "9.5" would be pretty awesome . . . I'm thinking Bo Derek, she was a "10", right? Unfortunately, this isn't even a "9.5" that you can enjoy! In my eyes, you are beyond a "10" - you are beautiful on the outside, you are beautiful on the inside, and you are beautiful in the way that you have done battle with this "thing" the last several months. Yes, in my mind, you far exceed a "10" . . . and that's a wonderful thing! Smile if you can, if only for a brief second right now, and take comfort in knowing that your blog-followers are thinking of you and praying for you and Butch.


Irene said...

Hi Sharon, As I whispered my prayers this morning you were in my thoughts in a strong way. After reading your blog, I know why. I can't tell you to stay strong because you already are; I can't say look to the future because you already do; I can't encourage you to have positive thoughts because you already rejoice in life; but I can say I love you, I admire you, and I am blessed by you. Continue on, my friend, continue on.

Kelli T. said...

Sharon -

As I clean up around the house today, I'm inspired by the "Shrink" song and video that Catoctin's awesome staff did for you a while back - I'm cleaning and singing/humming "shrink shrink shrink . . . shrink shrink shrink . . . SHRINK THAT PAIN . . . SHRINK THAT PAIN!!" I hope it's working!!!