Monday, October 29, 2012

Reubens Anyone?

Checking in to say that all is about the same as it has been the past week. My back continues to hurt intensely. The cause is still unknown. Last night I increased the ml. of pain medication so that I could get a halfway decent nights sleep.

I have to say that it has been very nice NOT having to go to the doctors or hospital for tests for over a week. My husband commented how relaxing it has been not having to run to appointments this week. He really needed the break; however he asks me about 15 times a day if I am breathing okay. He worries so much about my lungs. I gauge that if I'm breathing okay when I'm sitting or talking, then all is the same. It doesn't take much for me to be out of breath after a very short walk up and down the stairs.

Yesterday I made Reubens for my husband for dinner. He was so very appreciative and praised me over and over again for making them for him. Everything tastes so much better when someone else makes food. Through this time, he has become a jack of ALL trades. It felt so very, very good to be able to do something special for him...even if it only entailed putting a little of this and a little of that on 2 pieces of rye bread!

I hope that everyone does everything they need to do so that they stay safe during this storm. We're all ready here. Be safe!

Friday, October 26, 2012


I have not intentionally abandoned my blog. From past posts, you can tell that when I have energy, I have frequent entries. The opposite is true when I have had a rough week.

I haven't posted for two reasons.  I have been very tired and have been sleeping a lot. The thought of getting the computer to post becomes a mammoth task. The other reason I shy away from posts is when I hurt.  I hate always complaining and when I hurt, it's hard to be positive.  My back has been in a lot of pain. I don't know the reason for the pain...lung filling up with fluid again ???, removal of chest tube ???, or pulled muscle from sleeping in a sitting up position in bed ???. The home health nurse didn't hear any fluid when she was here Wednesday, but neither did the one that was here 2 days before I had 600 ml. of fluid drained from my left lung.

I look forward to the day when I can wake up having energy, feel great and be productive. Until then, I will listen to my body and sleep/rest to build up my white platelet count. 

Happy safe if Hurricane Sandy comes our way.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Two More Test Results...

I had another x-ray this morning before my scheduled chemo to compare results from yesterday after having the chest tube taken out. It looks like things are about the left lung is still not all the way inflated but no worse. The doctors have stressed to me in a very stern way that if I have any trouble breathing, I need to get to the emergency room asap. I certainly will if that becomes the case.

Today was my 3rd treatment to end my 1st cycle of chemo. I unfortunately could not be given the treatment. My white platelet count should be 5000 to 6000. After 2 treatments, my count is 1000. The doctor said that my body has been through so much. My white platelets may be responding to being beaten down from radiation, chemo and then surgery. It may be responding to the infection that's going on. He's not sure why the count is so low but sure enough that I will not be getting treatment today. Next week is my scheduled "off" week so that means 2 weeks without chemo. It's kind of scary that my body is doing this already in the very first cycle. 

Too Many Procedures For One Day

The doctor wanted to make sure that I didn't need an IV antibiotic so the oncologist office asked us to come in on Thursday. We knew I was getting better because I was able to actually put my feet on the floor and stand on them without pain. We didn't want to take another day to go to the doctor but we also knew that we needed to figure out what was going on with the chest tube. Off we went to combine the visits and kill two birds with one stone. (You know, after typing that saying, I decided that I really don't like it. I'm going to change it to "kiss two birds with one peck.")

The PA left it in our hands to determine if my legs/feet were getting better. Because we told him that they were, I wouldn't need the IV but my antibiotic prescription would need to be increased from 7 to 14 days. We told him that the chest tube hasn't drained anything for 5 days; however I was still out of breath. He called over to the Diagnostic Center and got an appointment for a chest x-ray and evaluation by the radiologist of what was going on with the tube.

So off to the Diagnostic Center we went. Luckily everything is in the same Winchester Hospital Complex so it's a matter of going from the front where the oncologist is to the back where the x-rays, sonograms, etc. are. In the car on the way there, I popped a nausea pill because I wasn't feeling well.

Another chest x-ray...completed. I really think that I've had 25+ since having this thing with my lungs happen. Grab my husband and head to where the radiologist is so that they can tell us what is going on with the chest tube. Now, here is where my mistake came in to play. I thought it was going to be as simple as...left lung no longer has fluid in it so the chest tube isn't needed. I was wrong. The x-ray showed that there was very minimal fluid in the right lung! body must have absorbed that fluid! The left lung, however, still has fluid. So now the radiologist had to figure out why the chest tube wasn't draining it? Maybe the tube has a crink in it? He did a sonogram and saw that the tube was in a pocket but that there was no fluid in that pocket. The fluid was in another part around the lung. Our option was to do another "thoro something or other" which is putting the needle in around the lung and drawing fluid out. This is the dreaded procedure that I thought would one day have to be done to the right lung. I didn't think that it would have to be done AGAIN to the left lung.

You have to do what has to be done so I said to go ahead with the procedure. I sent my husband out of the room because he doesn't need to see me cry in pain.

Procedure underway. It hurt, but not nearly as much as it did the last time. They took off 600 ml of fluid again from the left lung. That's the same amount as they took off last time. On my way back from another x-ray, I saw my husband in the waiting room so I waved to him to come back to where I was. Procedure over. Fluid out. The x-ray showed that the lung still had not come back completely but that I could go home. Time to take the chest tube out. They said that it was a quick and easy procedure and that my husband could stay in the room.

Did they not know that it was me and nothing is quick and easy. The string that is suppose to release to be able to pull the drain out did not do what it was suppose to do. When I say I cried out in pain, that is an understatement. It was excruciating. I feel so bad that my husband had to hear me cry out in pain. I was trying to spare him from that. After that was done, the radiologist hugged me and said that never happens. I have to say...I was in sort of a traumatic state for a little while. That pain was one of the most intense I've ever had. I told my husband to please expect that once we got to the car, I was going to cry for more than 3 and a half minutes. I wouldn't go a whole 5 minutes but I WAS GOING TO CRY!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All Over the World

I find it so interesting that I have had hits on my blog from all over the world. The comments that blog followers leave touch so many lives!

Romania  1
Egypt  2
Sweden  2
Ukraine  2
Australia  1
Russia  202
Germany  40
Malawi  22
United Kingdom  21
Canada  11
Mexico  11
France  8
Brazil  5
United States  25757

Another Bottle for my Red Riding Hood Basket

When I posted last, we had just come home from Winchester after a LONG and grueling day of lab work, doctor visit, chemo and a sonogram, the wrong sonogram at that.

The sonogram was for my legs and feet. For the last 2 weeks, they have been extremely filled with fluid and red as red can be. My right one is doubled the size of what my foot used to be. I always liked my ankles but I don't even know what that body part looks like anymore. My legs/feet are getting worse, with the redness increasing as it goes further up my leg. It is so very painful to walk on. On Monday I went for the correct test which was to look at the vascular system and arteries of my lower extremities. Through 3 previous sonograms, blood clots have luckily been ruled out. For this test, although painful, my ankles and big toes actually had blood pressure cups on them. The technician told me that I should mention to my doctor that it could possibly be cellutititis, which as she explained, was an infection in the skin cells. Later that day, I called my doctor to let them know that test was completed and passed along the technician's suspicions. The nurse said she would talk to the doctor right away because she knew the level of discomfort that I was in. Yesterday afternoon I finally heard from the doctor. He wanted me to come in to the office for him to have another look at my legs/feet.  I explained that I couldn't get in because my husband was at work and that everything was the same as when he saw them on Friday but just higher on my legs. He said that he would call in a prescription but if that didn't work, I would have to get an IV antibiotic for the infection. All that was do-able.

The second dose of chemo has made me extremely tired. I sleep a lot because that's what my body tells me that it needs. I'm fine with that, particularly if that's the worst of the side effects. I have been struggling to eat again which is not at all putting a smile on my husband's face. We've discovered Ensure Clear Nutritional Drinks which is not so thick and hard to digest as the regular Ensure. By drinking a bottle of this, I get 9 grams of protein and oodles of vitamins. My husband often makes me drink 2 of these a day if I haven't eaten much food. It really varies on what I can eat. Yesterday I ate much more...probably as much in one day as I have over the last few days combined. I'll keep trying to eat when I can.

This morning all ready, I have been able to put my right foot on the floor without the extreme pain when I try to stand. All great news that the antibiotic is doing what it is suppose to be doing! More great news is that my chest tube has stopped draining any fluid over the last 4 days! I'm still short of breath but that's due to the right lung having fluid around it. All is looking up! I laugh when I tell my husband that if I didn't have fluid around my lung(s) and an infection in my legs/feet, then all I would have to worry about is having cancer and getting through chemo.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lung Fluid Results

After saying many, many prayers, we awaited the results of the lung fluid.

They were NEGATIVE, however in the same sentence that the doctor said these great results, he said that he continues to be very afraid that more cancer cells are causing the fluid in the lungs. He said that just because the fluid results are negative doesn't mean anything. It could be in the lung area. He said that the x-rays showed nodules but that is not uncommon for anyone who has fluid on their lungs. I will have another CT scan in 6-8 weeks to see if anything develops. My white platelet count is dropping rapidly as a result of the 1st chemo. Luckily next week, if I can get chemo then, will be the last of this cycle and then I'll have a week rest.

Now here's our take on this news. The doctor is not God. Only God has control of this situation. At this time, we are resting in the great news that the fluid was negative. Period. End of story.

The doctor was quite concerned about my foot, which continues to be extremely swollen and excessively red. He sent me over for another sonogram, which unfortunately was over 2 1/2 hours after my chemo. I'm going to finish the story about this at another time for several reasons. I'm not feeling well from being out all day. Although we've been home for only 10 minutes, I've already gotten sick. I'm beyond exhausted. My back is in extreme pain from where the chest tube is placed. I am miserable and desperately need sleep.

Story to be continued....I wanted to make sure I got the good news out about the negative results.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chest X-Ray Results

I went yesterday for another chest x-ray on my left lung. It showed that the lung still had not fully returned to normal and there was a little fluid found but was no worse from my last x-ray on Monday. The radiologist called after he looked at the results. He said that the lung may not return fully.

Previously he referred to this as "trapped lung". When I looked up what this means, I found that the condition occurs when the lung is covered preventing its expansion to the chest wall, leaving a persistent fluid-filled pleural space. There are a number of conditions that prevent the lung from expanding.

The radiologist said that because I was comfortable with the chest tube in, he'll leave it there and I can talk to my oncologist on Friday what his plans are for further treatment. I'm comfortable with it in because I know that it's draining fluid on a consistent basis and that the fluid isn't building up around my lung without my knowing. It also allows me to breathe because the fluid is coming out instead of staying in.

Friday will be an emotional day. Prior to going for my second chemo treatment, I will have labs and meet with the oncologist. I will more than likely find out the results of the lung fluid analysis. I will find out if more cancer is causing the fluid around my lungs. My heart tells me that the fluid developed there from all of the excessive drainage that I had from surgery. I pray so very, very hard that I'm right in this diagnosis. Friday will be a very sad day or an exceptionally elated day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Heart Results

I called the internist's office this morning because I haven't gotten the blood test and echo cardiogram results yet from last Monday. The most wonderful news is that there is no evidence of fluid around my heart! Definitely showed fluid around my lungs but NOT MY HEART! I am so excited. My heart is functioning "very good".  Thank you God! It feels so good to smile with these results.

Let's Get Superficial

Hi from ME to YOU

All weekend I had the chest tube in with a vent that came up my back. The top of the vent couldn't get closed off because air was "supposed" to be escaping. My clever husband cut a hole in the back of this shirt so that the vent wasn't covered with cloth. I felt like the tube up my back was a smokestack. The hardest part was laying in bed because positioning had to be optimal for the tube to not be blocked by a pillow or blanket. Needless to say, my phenomenal husband didn't sleep well  because he was checking the tube constantly through the night.

I went back to the Heart and Thoracic unit of the hospital yesterday. The plan was to take the chest tube out of the left lung and if it was inflated as it should be, drain the right lung. When the nurse was unwrapping the "smokestack", she noticed a kink in the tubing. She said that it was absolutely nothing that I did but was the result of how it was taped. It also meant that the vent did not allow air to escape.

The x-ray confirmed that the lung was not fully expanded. It actually was worse than when I left the hospital on Friday. The right lung would NOT be touched. The radiologist said that the left lung may never come back. He called it a possible "trapped lung". They hooked the tube up to a suction machine and drained a significant amount of fluid off from around the lung. They attached a drain bag to the chest tube that I would be going home with until Wednesday. I'll go back Wednesday for more x-rays. I don't think they are going to entertain the idea of even touching the right lung. The risk is way to high.

While I was at the hospital, I mentioned that my right foot that is swollen with fluid was EXTREMELY RED. My left leg had a large "streak" going up a vein that started at my ankle and ended below my knee. It was black and blue over the weekend but was now EXTREMELY RED. I suspected that I had superficial blood clots again. The radiologist, who is beyond fantastic, called the oncologist on call. He ordered a bilateral sonogram to check for blood clots. Off for more tests. Luckily NO BLOOD CLOTS were found. The oncologist prescribed a baby aspirin a day. I have a feeling that I'll get a call today with a prescription for a blood thinner. The superficial clots are far too extensive for just a baby aspirin. The last time I had a superficial clot, I had to take 4 regular aspirin every 4 hours. It did resolve in time. This morning my legs are still extremely red and sore to stand on but knowing that it's not a deep blood clot, it's manageable.

Because I didn't have the smokestack coming from my back last night, my husband and I actually got some real sleep for the first night in many days. It felt so good.

I have not expelled any fluid from my lung since I've been home. I want to think that's a good sign but it makes me wonder if the chest tube is working properly because I had so much drainage when in the hospital. I'll keep an eye on it today, placing a call into the hospital if I become alarmed.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Change in Today's Plans

I would advise anyone who is following behind us on a road to pass us right away. Our road is so curvy and never takes us the way we planned.

Today I went in to have my right lung drained from fluid. They did a x-ray of the left lung to see how it was doing from yesterday's draining of fluid.

The radiologist came in and asked if I wanted the good news or bad news first. He said that I wouldn't be getting the right lung drained because the left lung had collapsed. Yep, can you believe it...collapsed. I was immediately taken over to the hospital so that a chest tube could be inserted. Depending on the outcome, I may have to be admitted into the hospital for observation over night.

After another painful procedure (although I was able to have an IV with pain medicine during the procedure), I now have a heimlich valve inserted into my chest. It's a long tube that has a one way valve that allows air to escape from the lung area but doesn't allow any air to come in. The lung will then be able to expand again.

The great news is...the lung totally expanded as a result of the chest tube. I'll keep the tube in until Monday, at which time they'll do another x-ray after they take the tube out. If the lung still remains expanded, they'll drain the right lung.

From this procedure, I went over to chemo at 2:00. I've had my first does of gemcitabine. It looks like I will definitely be losing my hair. It was looking kind of good these days...oh well. I'm sure when it comes back, it will be more gray than my dark brown hair color.

This has been one heck of a week. It has totally taken it's toll on my husband. I ache for him.


Having fluid drained off right lung at 9:30 this morning PLUS Having 1st chemo at 10:30 this morning
                                                                  I'm scared

My sister is on her way up from North Carolina to be with me this weekend.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Many Milliliters?

I had my left lung drained this morning. I have to say that it was an EXTREMELY painful procedure. I didn't know how I was going to make it through. As the fluid was being drained, I started coughing, which is to be expected. As the fluid drains, it allows the lung to finally move so the coughing is the lungs way to expand. I was so scared because the pain in my shoulder was severe and I was coughing to the point of needing to throw up. The technician asked if I wanted him to stop but I said to keep going because I wanted the procedure over and the fluid gone.

Luckily he was finished. Would you believe that 600 milliliters of fluid was drained. The bottle was 3/4 of the way filled. I was shocked that my lung had that much fluid around it. No wonder I've been feeling the way I have been. When I saw the fluid in the jar, I said a prayer out loud that it be free of cancer cells. It's in God's hands now.

After the procedure, I rested for a few minutes. I then had a chest x-ray. The radiologist read it right away and said that I had to stay for another 30 minutes because there was a place that showed my lung had not totally expanded yet. The second x-ray showed that everything was good. There is still a risk that the lung could collapse this evening so we're on guard to make sure that all is well. The site of the injection is very sore. My incision/stomach hurts from coughing on and off.

I've got so much to think about for tomorrow. I have to have the right lung drained as well. Now I know what is going to happen and that's scary. I also know that if there is as much fluid on the right as there was on the left lung, it has to get out of there. I get my first chemo tomorrow. I have to decide if I can do both. Do I have the stamina? If I wait until Monday, Butch wouldn't be able to be with me because he has to work.

Decisions, decisions....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Test Results

I don't have the test results from yesterday's chest x-ray or echo-cardiogram. I was hoping to get a call today from the internist because the fluid pill don't seem to be working at all.

I did get a call from my oncologist today. He wanted me to know that Friday's lab results showed an elevation in one of the levels but he doesn't know what that means. I told him what has transpired since Friday with my shortness of breath and legs/feet swelling. He was very concerned about a blood clot and said that he wanted me to have a CT scan that his office would set up. Within the half hour, his nurse called and said that she had a CT scan set up for me "now" at my local hospital. It worked out perfectly because my husband was on his way home from work due to shortened hours.

After getting home from having the scan done, the oncologist's office called with the results. The physician's assistant said that there was no evidence of a blood clot (thank you God). There was, however, a SIGNIFICANT amount of fluid around each lung, with the left being the worst. He said that it's pressing against my diaphragm and liver. Tomorrow I will go to Winchester Hospital to have fluid drained off of my left lung. I'll then go for chemo on Friday, at which time the PA will determine if I need to have the fluid drained off the right lung. The fluid will be sent off to be analyzed.

I'm begging EVERYONE to please pray hard for me that this fluid around my lungs is a result of the surgery. PLEASE pray for me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1/2 Step Forward, 3 Steps Backward

For the last few days, I have had a significant degree of shortness of breath when walking short distances. I even have difficulty getting my breath when at rest. My left foot has some fluid in it but my right foot has tons of fluid in it again.

To make a long story short (goes with the theme of the blog...SHORTness of breath), I saw a doctor today from the Internist group that I go to. I have pleural effusion in both lungs (fluid) and a possibility of fluid surrounding my heart. I had a chest x-ray and echo-cardiogram following the appointment. I also had blood work that will test for fluid around the heart. I was given Furosemide which is a potent medication to reduce the fluid around vital organs.

The doctor discussed that there may be 2 reasons for this excessive fluid. It could be a side effect from the first chemo drug that I was on which MAY...(no conclusions yet) have caused heart failure, not allowing my heart to pump the fluid away. The second reason (which is my gut feeling) is a result from surgery and excessive fluid that remained in my body. It makes sense to me because my wound opened up due to so much drainage. I think that this fluid has remained in my body and has now accumulated by my lungs making it so hard to breathe.

So far the medicine hasn't kicked in. I'm hoping tomorrows the day, after my next dose, for fluid to start flowing!