Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post-Op Visit

Today I had my 1 month post-op visit at UVA at 11:30. My surgeon was in surgery so I saw his personal nurse. She took out the wound vac and was VERY pleased with how the wound looked. She sent me home in a gauze dressing. The nurse will put the wound vac back on in the morning when she comes.

It felt odd walking (well really riding in the wheelchair) out of the doctor's office today without the wound vac hooked up. Butch decided to try a little experiment. I was feeling okay and we were both hungry with having been in the doctor's office for over 2 hours.Butch is trying to get my life back to as close as normal as he can. Soooooo, he took me on a mini date. We went to Panerera Bread for our first outing since surgery. I walked in on his arm, very slow and belabored, but walking none-the-less. I sat down while he ordered a sandwich that we split and a smoothie. I ate about 1/4 of the sandwich.  Ohhh, it was so good. We reversed our trip back to the car for a smooth ride home. I slept the entire trip home. I was so tired from the trip but it was a good tired. After we got home, Butch actually folded the walker up and moved it to another room. He thinks I'm good without it. I agree with him. In fact yesterday for PT, I actually walked out to my back yard in the grass without the walker (and as they say it in their goal...over varying terrains). I'm still a slow turtle but getting better strength wise!

With having been sent home with a gauze dressing, that meant that Butch had to change it tonight for a fresh packing. The nurse sent him home with everything he needed and they went over the process several times in the office. I am absolutely amazed at my husband. He followed the procedure to the "t" and did it so efficiently. I am so very lucky to have him be able to do this for me. I can't even look down at my stomach when this is being done. I don't know what I would do if he had a hard time changing the dressing. My roommate Nancy and I did it out of dire necessity several weeks ago prior to getting the wound vac. I have 2 very strong people that follow through with anything they have to because they know it's what I need. I am so lucky.

We devised a plan today to cut back on my pain medicine a little. It's here if I need to increase it to what I currently take if the pain dictates that I need it, but by decreasing it a little, I should be able to not be as tired as I currently am. Tonight will be the first test. Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where's My Walker?

For the last several days, I have been very tired. The best medicine for that is sleep, so that's what I've been doing in between my phone alarm going off to let me know that it's time for pain medicine.

I met all of the short term goals that the PT assistant set for me. I made a personal goal for myself that I am very happy to say that I have also met. When I get out of bed, I have the walker at the foot of the bed only IF I need it. I am getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom and getting back into bed or my chair WITHOUT using the walker! This afternoon, I even walked to the front door without using the walker! I have a large desk in the entryway that I used as a "crutch" to hold onto. As I've always said about some of my students...we sometimes make them more disabled by giving them tools that they don't need. For my own body, I know that it's time to take the walker away for short distances. I KNOW I can do this!

I'm sitting in my chair in the rec room looking out into our back yard. Within the last 15 minutes, I've seen 3 hummingbirds all enjoying the butterfly bush. They flutter here and there, up and down, back and forth. The hummingbird is my inspiration to wean myself from the walker! I too will be "fluttering" here and there, up and down, back and forth very soon! I will be fluttering with a huge smile on my face because I am so grateful to be getting back some of the skills that have been taken away from me the last several weeks. I promise myself that I will not ever take life for granted. I will always appreciate the little things that we do automatically without thing twice about doing it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello to My Kitchen

When the PT assistant came yesterday, she put me through quite an exercise regiment. She had me take several trips from my back to front door using the walker. I do that several times a day by myself so I'm used to that workout. She gave me more exercises to do with my feet to build up strength and endurance. It's very evident that I have significantly decreased strength in my right leg from the sciatica. After I heal from surgery, I hope to pursue physical therapy to build the nerves back in that leg.

The most exciting thing the PT assistant had me do was to climb the 7 or 8 steps from my entryway to my living room. She was right by my side and had me use my stronger leg first to start up the steps. When I reached the top, I started to cry. I hadn't seen my kitchen for 3 weeks! I actually sat at the kitchen table for a little bit to get my energy back for the climb back downstairs. It was so awesome to touch my kitchen counters, look outside from the kitchen window, and see what a wonderful job my husband has done keeping the 2nd level of our house clean.

Going back down was a little scary but definitely do-able. She was again right by my side. I was so proud of myself!!!!

 Check off of list---Major obstacle---Climb to 2nd floor---Chaaaaaching!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Butch

Today is my husband's birthday! Although I can't make this year's birthday special for him, I will make up for it next year. The best gift I can give him is the gift that surgery is over and I'm on the road to recovery. Happy Birthday my dear, dear husband!!!

I have seen 2 different RN's during the time I have been on home care. The nurses come 3 days a week. Yesterday, the nurse that initially put the wound vac on came to change the dressing. I was overjoyed when she said that in the 4 days since the wound vac has been on, the wound has really closed! She said that it has a significant amount to go but that the tissue looks great! I was so happy!

It turns out that the RN that put my wound vac on remembers me from when I taught at Sandy Hook for 20 years. She said that I was her speech therapist when she was in elementary school! It's such a small world. I am so grateful that this young nurse can help me now at such a critical time in my life.

I think for the first time that the fluid in my legs are decreasing a little. I'm going from the size of an elephant to an old box turtle.

The OT came for an evaluation today. She made some recommendations for a shower chair when that time comes.

Butch said that he thinks that we'll venture outside next week when I feel like I have a little more upper body strength. I get short winded from walking short distances at this point. I'm sure another week will make a big difference in my strength.

I washed my own hair again this morning in the bathroom sink. I've got it down to a science. You just can't keep a girl away from clean hair! It does a world of good for how I feel inside!

Although I'm not often "hungry", I am making myself eat. I drink 2 Ensure's a day to "ensure" that I get the necessary vitamins that I need. I've been eating scrambled eggs several times a week for the protein. Although my diet is anything that I want to eat, I find that I stick to very tiny meals.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let's Take a Trip!

We had to take another trip to the ER today but luckily it was to our local hospital and not to UVA.

Over the last few days, my right leg has developed a large red patch on the area between my knee and ankle (at least where an ankle would normally be located if it weren't that my legs were the size of elephants). Each day the patch has been getting redder and larger. It's warm to the touch. The home health care nurse who put on my wound vac and the PT assistant both said to keep an eye on it. The calf on that leg has become very sore as well. Today when my regular nurse came to change my stomach dressing, she said that she didn't like the look of my leg and that we really needed to be safe than sorry. Things would be very serious if it was a blood clot and we needed to find that out.

Before the nurse even had things packed up, Butch had the car pulled around to the front and my shoes ready to take me to the ER. We weren't going to let a blood clot be what gets me in the end after all I've been through.

At the ER, they did a sonogram.  There were no blood clots found on either leg. They determined that it's phlebitis. I'm on 2 regular aspirin every 4 hours, however I'm starting out with 1 aspirin to see if it affects my stomach at all. If all is okay, I will increase it to 2 aspirin every 4 hours.

Leaving the house is not easy. Being away from a bathroom is not easy. I realize that this wound healing process is going to take quite a large chunk of time. I know that I'll gather more and more strength each and every day. I hope that after I get all this strength back, the new chemo that I be put on doesn't take it all away again. Time will tell. I go back to Dr. Adams for a post op visit on August 30th and then to Dr. Major, the oncologist, on September 10th. He'll discuss chemo with us then.

Here's hoping that the rest of the evening will be quiet an uneventful!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Out of Town Trip

It's been a challenge to post for so many reasons. First and foremost is the limited energy level that I have. When I am awake, it's hard for me to keep my eyes open for any length of time. Forming complete sentences and spelling words correctly in my blog takes a lot of effort. I truly know what "word finding" issues are all about for my students. I have a hard time getting the words out of what I want to say. Patience Grasshopper...Patience.

Monday was the first day that Beth, the RN from home health came out. I really like her! She is such an advocate for me. When she changed my incision, she realized that there was a problem. Beth called Dr. Adam's nurse Liz right away and explained about the excessive drainage from the incision. She said they wanted to see me at UVA right away. So off Nancy and I went. I should have gone to the "beauty salon" (head under sink for a shampoo) earlier in the day had I know that we were going to be taking an "out of town" trip.

I can't even begin to put into words what Nancy (my roommate from college) did for me/us while she was here. She helped me in every conceivable way. She made sure that she had a vegetable with every meal that she made me. For her, I ate my spinach! As Nancy and I close our eyes, there are memories that only we can share while she was helping to take care of my wound. I love her from every fiber of my body.....

At UVA, Dr. Adams cleaned the now very open wound. It's still together on the top and bottom of the incision. The middle is quite deep. I won't go into those details because it's even hard for me to visualize. I don't want you to have to think about it. The great news is  that there is NO INFECTION! Because my needs have significantly changed, they are having the RN come in daily. We are in charge of cleaning the incision the 2nd time each day. A "wound vac" has been ordered and should arrive Thursday or Friday. The nurse will install that when it arrives. She will cut foam to fit the inside of the incision. The pump plugs in and continually suctions the drainage from the incision. I may have to have this on for 30 to 60 days but from what I understand, will greatly increase the wound healing.

PT has been out for an evaluation. OT will be coming on Monday for their evaluation. Once I start feeling stronger, we will work on climbing steps. I am definitely willing to wait. It takes all the energy I have to walk to the bathroom in our rec room, let alone lift my feet from one step to the other.

The hospital bed is my salvation. The PT at UVA said that I didn't need one, but she was definitely wrong. There is NO WAY that I can lay all the way way. I know things will change at the end of the month but until then, I NEED THE HOSPITAL BED!

I'm going to end now because I'm pretty well tapped out. I hope to update again soon. Until then, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I need them every hour of the day. I was told from one of the nurse's that my most important job right now is to recover from surgery. That has to be my priority. Nutrition goes hand and hand with recovery.

One Small Setback...

Sharon is continuing to do well at home and is continuing to get stronger each day. On Monday, the RN came to check on Sharon's incision and found that some of the stitches were coming loose. So, Sharon and Nancy were off to UVA to have that problem fixed. She met with the doctor who was able to fix the stitches and clean up the incision. They sent her right home afterwards. I talked with Butch this morning and Sharon was up walking. The RN is to return this morning around 10 to change the gauze and discuss a 'wound pack' with Sharon and Butch. I don't have too much more to report for now, sorry for the short updates!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's Me!

I'm sitting in my hospital bed with Val's iPad in my lap. Our computer is down and will continue to be so until I have the energy to reboot the system. Val has the front and back doors open on this beautiful summer morning. My Casey dog and kitty cat Emily are right by my side. My roommate Nancy is coming this afternoon to stay with me until Butch breaks from his shift on Tuesday evening.

Ohhhh it has been quite a week. I am overwhelmed by what Dr. Adams has done to save my life. Each time he would come in to see me, I held his hand in mine, feeling the immense power that his fingers had in them. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.

The pain regiment that they have me on is working. I'm on 30 mg of ocycontin every 12 hours and 10 mg of oxycodone every 4 hours. My biggest challenge is getting in and out of bed. Thank goodness we paid for a hospital bed out of pocket. Lying flat is impossible because of the 44 incisions. Even getting out of bed from a sitting position is very, very hard. I know that I will be getting stronger each day.

Everyone has been so fantastic to us. I can truly say that I would not have been able to make it to this point without all of the incredible help we have been given! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sharon Made it Home!

Sharon is back in Woodstock and she seems very content. Loren, Sharon's good friend Alisa and I spent the day making preparations for Sharon to come home. We transformed Sharon's downstairs living room into, as Loren said, 'Hotel de Sharon'. We have every thing within easy reach that we could possibly think of and tried to make the room as welcoming and comfortable as possible. We moved her recliner into the room, made up her bed with fresh linens and soft blankets, set up a mini fridge and stocked it with lots of nourishment. We organized the bathroom with any thing that she may need and set up a basket with all of the cards she has received to read. I think that we did an outstanding job and I think Sharon was surprised and happy with the outcomes.

Sharon and Butch got home a little after 6 o'clock. Brad, Gregory, Loren and I were all waiting and welcomed them home. Casey even came down to welcome Sharon. Sharon crawled into her bed, got under her covers and seemed to relax. We sat and visited with her for awhile and she mentioned many times how happy she was to be home. It was a wonderful evening. We left Sharon in her bed, relaxing, and happy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Last Night in the Hospital

I don't have much to share this evening other than SHARON WILL BE HOME TOMORROW!!  Tomorrow morning she'll get all of the other tubes and monitors that she has still in removed and she will be making her way back to Woodstock to continue her healing. I'm not sure exactly what time she will make it back into town, but I know we are all very excited to have her close to us again.

I will update you all tomorrow to let you know how Sharon is settling in.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Results

Today was another step in the right direction. Sharon was able to spend another day in the company of a good friend. Debbie spent the day with her and called to give lots of updates on her way home. The physical therapist worked with Sharon today, he had her up and walking through the hallways. He also was able to show her an easier way to get up from bed and and get back into bed since she is still finding that challenging. He also thought she was too healthy and improving too much to go to a recovery center as was first thought yesterday. Instead he suggested that Sharon go home and have an occupational therapist and physical therapist come in to work with her during the week. So, with just the approval of Dr. Adams it looks like Sharon will be able to come home! She did ask to stay at UVA until Thursday to give herself one more day in their care to get a little stronger.

Debbie said that she was able to read all of my blog entries as well as all of your comments to Sharon. She thoroughly enjoyed hearing all of your kind thoughts. She also said that Sharon was eating solid foods for dinner; lasagna, salad and chocolate cake. Although she enjoyed the Ensure shake she was able to have more than her dinner.

After Debbie's phone call, Brad and I talked to Sharon. Dr. Adams had just been into see her with the results from all of the tests. All of the samples from the pancreas he took were negative! There was also no other signs of tumors on any other blood vessels. This is all great. The only news that we didn't want to hear is that in just 1 of the 23 lymph nodes that he removed they did find cancerous cells. He said usually they can find between 8-14 lymph nodes infected but Sharon only had 1! What this means is that she'll definitely have to undergo another round of chemo with Dr. Major in a few weeks, just to make sure that they can get any stay cells that the lymph node may have released. She will have a follow up appointment with Dr. Adams in about 4 weeks and she'll be in contact with Dr. Major when she gets home later this week to set up an appointment with him.

Overall I think Sharon received an excellent report, she seemed to be in good spirits again today. Her pain level was still manageable on her pain pills (except for early this morning when her night nurse didn't wake her up to take them). She has one more full day in the hospital to continue to build her stength back up, then she gets to come home and start the next phase of the journey surrounded by Ll her friends and family.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Another Step Forward...

Today marked another day of accomplishments for Sharon. Her day started out with the arrival of her close friends Carolyn and Mary. She was able to spend her morning visting with her friends and get some much needed 'girl' time in. (I need to thank Carolyn for calling me and giving the updates for me to share with you). Carolyn mentioned that Dr. Adams payed a visit while they were there and they were able to meet and hug him! They also helped Sharon eat her breakfas of broth and juice. They were then excited to see at lunch time Sharon was allowed soft foods. She got to dine on mashed potatoes (she said they were quite gross) and pear sauce. I'm sure that Sharon is quite ready to get out of the hospital just to get away from the food! 

The nurses were able to remove Sharon's catheter today and everything was working as it should. Brad talked with her around 7 this evening and they also removed her epidural and put her on the pain pills. She said her pain level was manageable and she felt good. He commented that she sounded so much better than yesterday, like things were clearer. This was so good to hear, also it is another step to being discharged from the hospital. Carolyn said that Sharon found out she could be discharged on Wednesday, possibly to a recovery/rehab center to continue her healing and to help her regain her strength. 

I think that's all the excitement for today. Tomorrow is the day that all the test results come back. Let's all continue to think positive thoughts and hope that she will be able to hear exactly what she wants to hear!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beef Broth and Jello

Hi all, I apologize for the late update, my Internet isn't working properly so I'm attempting to update you all from my phone.

Brad and I visited with Sharon for a little while this afternoon. When we arrived she was up sitting in her  chair visiting with Butch. She seemed to be in good spirits, even though the amount of pain medication she is on seems to make her a little emotional, doze off on a moments notice and seem as Brad put it, 'flighty'. While we were visiting, she had beef broth, cranberry juice and orange jello delivered. After a bladder scan (where unfortunately it was found that her catheter had to be put back in) we did persuade Sharon to drink all of her juice and broth. She was saving her jello for dessert/reward after her walk. And yes, we all got to take a walk together! Sharon got to put on her own robe and the 4 of us were able to take a short walk down the hallway. I have a picture that she insisted we take, if I can't attach it tonight I'll try to upload it with tomorrow's post. We left shortly after the walk as Sharon was worn out. We helped her get into bed and wished her a good rest.

Sorry for the brief post.  It's very difficult to type on my phone's small key pad and screen. I'll update more tomorrow.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Better Day!

I just spoke to Sharon, she sounds so much better today, I think her spirits have been lifted with all the accomplishments she has been able to achieve today. She was up and sitting in the chair in her room while talking to me. She was able to get herself from a sitting position to a standing position all  with the help of a walker.  She brushed her teeth and even used the bathroom in her room.  While she was brushing her teeth, the hospital staff changed her bed linens.  She gets to wash her face in awhile too. She would giggle and say that her accomplishments were such little things but she felt so great about them. She was so excited that the nurses gave her back her ice-chips.  I think that is one of her favorite parts about today even though she was upset that one of her nurses got in trouble a few days ago for letting her have the ice. She double checked and she's definitely allowed to have the ice, so no one will take it from her today. In fact, they're going to be giving her clear liquids for dinner tonight.

The nurses took her bandages off today, of course Sharon can find something funny and witty to say about the experience.  She mentioned that she has lots of staples, Brad and Gregory won't need any for their staple guns anytime soon. Her pain is still manageable, in fact she mentioned that tomorrow they may try to switch her from the IV pain medication to pain pills. They're still continuing to try and keep her blood pressure regulated.

She is getting her much needed rest, she said she dozes off often and easily. She said that her nurse had to get her another login sheet for the hospital Internet because she would doze off in the middle of logging in and then get locked out.

Dr. Adams spoke with her again this morning and told her that he should have all the lab work back by Tuesday to go over with her. I know she's anxious to hear what he has to say, but her mood was defintely better today with all of her 'small accomplisments'.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 2 Post-Op

I just got off the phone with Sharon, she called to give me an update for the blog. She seems to be better today, she met with Dr. Adams and they were able to increase her epidural to continuous drip to alleviate some of the pain. She said last night her blood pressure dropped very low due to all the pain medication she had been on.  Also, they believe that because of the OxyContin and oxycodone she was on prior to the surgery, her body was almost immune to pain medication and that is why she was in so much pain yesterday. She was able to sit up on the edge of the bed earlier, even though it was painful. This afternoon they're going to have her up, walking, and sitting in a chair in her room for a brief period of time. She was also able to lift her legs on her own as the nurse was placing the automatic leg pumps on her this morning. She is slowly making progress and because of the drip of the epidural, her pain level is lower.

Unfortunately they did take away her ice chip submerged sponge, they thought she was getting too much water into her stomach that way. She was upset, but giggled and admitted to abusing it, as you recall yesterday, she compared it to an ice-cream sundae. The nurse is allowing her to have a wet sponge just to wipe and keep her mouth moist.

She said that she and Dr. Adams had a real heart to heart this morning but didn't go into great detail.  She sounded tired, but still hopeful and a little happier that her pain is a little more manageable. If I hear any other updates today I will try to post again, if not I'll update you tomorrow.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Day After...

Brad and I went to visit with Sharon and Butch this morning/afternoon. For just undergoing a 12 hour surgery Sharon looks great! She was awake and able to talk with us for a while.  Unfortunately she is in a great amount of pain. While we were visiting, she was waiting to hear back from the pain team about giving her more of the pain medication she was prescribed. They first had to be in touch with Dr. Adams who was in another surgery. We could tell that the pain was a lot to handle after being through so much already, please continue to keep her in your thoughts and hope that her team of doctors can help her better manage the pain.

Sharon was happy to know that so many of you were able to hear how the surgery went through her blog. Brad helped her connect her Kindle to the hospital server so, if she is feeling better, she can read all of your wonderful and encouraging comments. She was thoroughly enjoying her sponges immersed in ice that she was allowed to suck on, she commented often that they "tasted better than a hot fudge sundae."  We left her this afternoon so that she could get some much needed rest before Gregory and Loren arrived later. Butch is doing well, he was looking forward to Gregory and Loren's visit as well.

I'll continue to keep you all updated as we hear more news, Sharon has not yet spoken with Dr. Adams, she may be able to later this evening.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Finally over...

Dr. Adams finally came down to speak to us, Sharon is on her way to recovery too!   Dr Adams seemed pleased with the results, he believes that he did get everything.  He did say it was a difficult surgery, but he seemed very optomistic  They did have to remove more of her pancreas than orginally thought, which may be why the surgery took longer than expected.  He was also able to remove the tumor from the blood vessel without having to patch or replace the blood vessel, which is also good news

Dr. Adams said that Sharon is doing well, she'll be in recovery for about 1 1/2-2 hours and probably sleep most of the night. I'll update again tomorrow morning when Brad and I come back to let you know how she is feeling.


Waiting Patiently....

I know many of you are waiting to hear how Sharon's surgery is going so I wanted to give a brief update to you all while we are waiting patiently in the Surgical Family Waiting Area.  We don't know too much, but this is what we do know:

- Butch told me that the surgery officially started at 10:15. 
-One of the nurses in the OR calls to us every two hours. (12, 2, and 4 p.m. so far)
-Each call we have received has been very positive.
--During the 12p.m. call Butch found out that a liver biopsy was done and it was negative! (we're assuming this was a routine procedure)
--During the 2p.m. call there was another positive report and they were preparing to remove the gallbladder.
--During our most recent call (4p.m.), the nurse reported that Sharon was continuing to do great! The surgery team is moving slowly and taking their time.  She said that it may be another 2-4 hours of surgery.
-We will receive another update around 6p.m.  We also hope to have a better idea of when the surgery will be over and when Sharon will be in recovery.

That's all the information we really have at this moment, please continue to keep Sharon in your thoughts and hope for the surgery to continue like it has, smoothly!  I'll post an updated entry later this evening when we know more.


Muscle Madness

I haven't wanted to post this because I was so tired of always complaining about one thing or another being wrong. About a week and a half ago, I woke up with my stomach muscle on my right side hurting. I thought, now what did I do to pull a muscle in my ribcage? We've all had this before I'm sure.

Well, as the days went on, it became harder to take a deep breath because it hurt so much. The sore muscle feeling then went all the way up to my shoulder. A few days ago, I woke up with the same pulled muscle feeling on my left side. It made it almost impossible to take anything more than shallow breaths. What is going on? Why is my muscular system so compromised? I know I didn't lift anything to have "pulled" muscles. Both sides now hurt pretty intensely.

The last few days my back has really hurt me. This could be because I wore heels to the wedding???

Tonight it is impossible to even lay in bed. It hurts to sit up with pillows on my back. It hurts to lay on the right side, the left side or flat on my back. I've been trying to breathe deeper breaths because they will have me do that in the hospital for my lungs after surgery, but it hurts so much. It's impossible to get the breath to blow my nose.

The most unique part of all of this is the strong pain medicine that I am on 24-7 doesn't touch the pain.

I finally decided to get out of bed because it's just too painful to lay down to sleep. I have a headache but that's just from stress. I actually took my temperature because I feel hot. Normal, thank God. If it  wasn't, the surgery would be postponed.

I got the stye in my eye back too! Luckily that happened the day after the wedding. I am a piece of art work for sure!

I don't understand why both of my rib cages hurt so badly. I don't understand why my breathing is affected. Most of all, I don't understand why I have to have one more thing to make me not feel well. What is going on?