Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ordinary Day

I long for an ordinary day. The kind of ordinary days that I use to have before the end of April.  But then I ask myself...what exactly would an ordinary day look like?

--A day with no worries...Well that's not possible when you're a mom, wife, friend, sibling...
--A day with no aches...I've always had back and hip pain so that certainly wasn't before all this happened.
--A day without fatigue...I get up at 4:40 am to go to work--I'm always tired in some sort of way.

I have decided that tomorrow is my first official day of trying to make it as ordinary of a day as possible. I decided that I can make my day as ordinary as I want it to be by my frame of mind.

In the real world, tomorrow would be my first official day of summer (minus two workdays). I am going to pretend that I was at school on Friday, waving to the buses, blowing bubbles and noise makers with the rest of the staff, as the kids pulled from our parking lot in their big yellow limos. I am going to pretend that I have a summer of projects to do before the school year begins again. I am going to get in the frame of mind that will hopefully give me the energy I need to feel whole again.

Tomorrow is the ordinary day.


The Bashful Nest said...

We Heart You Sharon Funk!
Love, those McGoverns!

rtmalayil said...

I love that you started your ordinary days at the beginning of summer! Such a "teacher" thing to do! ;) These first few days are some of the sweetest days of the year. And, what I want to say to you is... "gear up, Sharon". Do everything you have to do to get yourself in the frame of mind to be back at school in October! Because there's a few hundred hearts just waiting for you to be back with us!

Happy "ordinary day"/"first day of summer day", Sharon!